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Thank You for Supporting CDT!

Here at CDT, we are a family and we truly believe that the success of our community relies on all of our family members.  Our Ten Mitzvot of Giving program is a reflection of the giving nature and culture of the CDT family.  There are so many ways that you can give to our community with both gifts of time and financial donations.  Please join us during the High Holy Day season by making a donation to the our CDT community.  We are stronger together and with a culture of giving we will continue to lay the foundation for generations to come.

There are many ways you can contribute, both through financial means and by giving of your time.  Any gift is appreciated, regardless of the size.

Ways to support our community financially include:

  • Monetary donations to our General Fund (including the High Holy Day Appeal) and other specific funds.
  • Gifts of stock.  Gifting stock can greatly benefit the synagogue while potentially having a positive tax benefit for the donor.
  • Donor Advised Funds allow the donor to make donations that provide a  benefit to the synagogue and a tax benefit to the donor.  For more information on Donor Advised Funds, click here.
  • Legacy Gifts.  By pledging a portion of your estate to the synagogue, you have the ability to support CDT for generations to come.  For more information about making a legacy gift, please contact our office at 770-623-8860.

There are also many ways to support CDT by giving your time.  Some of these include:

  • Help set up and clean up the Oneg Shabbat.
  • Help maintain our facility.
  • Work in the Gan Tamid garden.
  • Volunteer in the Religious School.
  • Take care of our members in need with the Caring Committee.
  • Join one of our committees.
  • Donate your professional skills to the congregation.

All of these ways of giving go a long way in keeping our synagogue strong and allowing us to continue providing inspiring services, uplifting educational classes for all ages, opportunities to do the work of tikkun olam, and amazing programming that help us come together and build community.

Todah rabbah,

Rachel Allen, CDT President



Congregation Dor Tamid relies on its member volunteers to ensure the success of our programs and events as well as to provide care and companionship to our community.

Please let us know what ways you are interested in volunteering at CDT by clicking here.

Making a payment on your account

In order to make a payment on your annual financial commitment or make a payment for any of our programs, click here.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784